Wrapped Present with the title Charitable Giving Strategies Using Non Cash Assets for Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

90 – Charitable Giving Strategies Using Non Cash Assets

Tis the season for giving, so what better way to celebrate the giving spirit of Christmas than to learn how to give better and more efficiently. In this podcast, Bob covers the most efficient ways to give using the other 90% of what’s in non-cash assets. He is joined by a charitable giving expert, Ryan Assunto of the National Christian Foundation, to talk about giving more efficiently.

Thinking man icon with the title Traits to Look for in a Financial Advisor for Christian financial perspectives podcast

89 – Traits to Look for in a Financial Advisor

With so many important factors that our finances play into, isn’t it just as important to find a financial advisor that has your best interests in mind in order to help you obtain all your financial financial goals? In this episode, Bob and Bailey cover many of the traits you should look for when choosing a financial advisor, especially the importance of choosing a fiduciary, fee based advisor over a commissioned based advisor with a potential conflict of interest.

35 mph speed limit signs with title understanding investment risk from Christian financial perspectives podcast

87 – Understanding Investment Risk

Life is full of risk. Everytime we get into a car, move to a different city, get on a plane, or start a new job, there is a RISK, and the list goes on and on. What if the human race decided to never take any risks? Risk is not a bad thing because a life completely void of risk would be very boring. In this episode, Bob and Bailey discuss 15 types of investment risks, because when you know what the risks are, you can make better educated decisions.

umbrellas, will, plant in money jar, and financial picture tablet with title the life stages of financial planning

84 – The Life Stages of Financial Planning Part 2

In Part 2, we discuss how the different elements of financial planning fit into each life stage. Financial planning should be living, breathing, and changing as you do throughout all the stages of your life. Bob educates you in this podcast about many of the various pieces of the financial planning puzzle and how they should all fit together for a successful outcome.

living room, mother holding baby, RV in the desert, and happy senior man reading newspaper with title life stages of financial planning

83 – The Life Stages of Financial Planning Part 1

We all have different phases of our lives that demand unique financial requirements. Financial planning is definitely not a “one size fits all” or even a “one size fits most” type of solution. We each fall into separate categories when it comes to income, expenditures, debt, and savings. However, most of us can divide our lives up into 4 different stages, which Bob and Bailey discuss in part 1 of our episode on “The Life Stages of Financial Planning”.

2 story home with the title are rental homes a good investment from Christian Financial Perspectives podcast

82 – Are Rental Homes a Good Investment

People like the idea of having rental property as investment income because it’s a tangible asset that you can see, feel, and walk around. However, many times, the risks far outweigh the benefits, especially if you are looking at rental property as a form of passive income. Instead of a rental property making money for you, you can actually end up losing money. There are many risks associated with rental property income, and Bob covers the top 10 risks of vacation rentals and home rentals in this episode.

street signs and diverging paths in the forest titled important decision making processes from Christian Financial Podcast

81 – Important Decision Making Processes

Have you ever had to make a really important decision and just didn’t know where to start? Whether it was moving for a job or deciding whether or not to sell a house, we all have been there. It is usually an extremely difficult and stressful time. Well, what if there was a decision making process that you could follow to aid in your choice? Lucky for us, there is! Ron Blue has created a 10 step process concerning decision making so that you can have more confidence in the choices you make.

key icon on decorative background titled 7 keys to significance and finishing well from Christian Financial Podcast

80 – 7 Keys to Significance and Finishing Well

Think about great men and women of God who have lived their lives to the fullest, packing meaning and purpose into everything that they have accomplished. No matter who it is, they probably all have one thing in common. They finished well. Dr. Ken Boa of Reflections Ministries joins Bob in discussing living a life with purpose as they discuss “7 Keys to Finishing Well.”

Creating A Family Legacy title written on paper with ink pen from Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

79 – Creating A Family Legacy

Bob is joined by guest Bill High, the CEO of The Signatry, a global Christian Foundation that equips donors, advisors, and ministries to fulfill their unique roles in expanding and impacting the Kingdom of God. He is also a published author and conference speaker on creating lasting legacies. Creating a lasting legacy is exactly what Bob and Bill discuss in this episode of Christian Financial Perspectives.

Woman counts money and spouses holding hands titled husband/wife communication with finances from Christian Financial Podcast

78 – Husband/Wife Communication With Finances

This episode covers one of the most common topics when it comes to marital conflict – finances. When it comes to marital communication about finances, many of us have differing expectations. Joining Bob in offering her expertise on this subject is speaker and consultant, Sharon Epps. Sharon helps churches and individuals energize stewardship and generosity. She is also the founder of Women Doing Well, a “Christ centered organization that helps women of influence and affluence find their purpose and passion in life and develop a plan for how to further their personal generosity journey”.

Football on field above title Pursuing Significance at Life's Halftime from Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

77 – Pursuing Significance At Life’s Halftime

Many of us reach a point in life where we have achieved some measure of success and might have even accumulated more than we need, yet there’s still something missing. Eventually, we come to realize that accumulating more things or pursuing career advancement is simply not enough and we want our lives to count for something that will live on long after we’re gone. Bob is joined by special guest Lloyd Reeb, the founding partner and spokesman for the Halftime Institute.

Vintage heirlooms and photos above title Inheritolatry from Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

76 – Inheritolatry

Bob and guest, Jim Wise, discuss the term that Jim coined called “inheritolatry”. Inheritolatry is the decision to leave an abundance of financial resources to the next generation without regard to financial responsibility, spiritual commitment, or the size of the estate. The typical American way of inheritance is dividing it equally among our heirs, but is it biblical?

The Question of Ownership, The Case for Investing in God-Honoring Companies from Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

75 – The Question of Ownership

Bob interviews Jason Myhre, the Director of Advocacy at Eventide Investment Management, whose philosophy is “Investing that makes the world rejoice!®”. Learn about lining up your investment portfolio with God honoring companies that are making a positive impact on our society while avoiding the negative ones. Jason delves into the history of Eventide and the positive impact that investing with your values can have on our world.

Covid icon above title Dealing with Fear And Uncertainty During COVID-19 from Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

74 – Dealing with Fear & Uncertainty During COVID-19

Bob interviews Dr. Andy Ward, who breaks down fear, what causes it, and the brain’s reactions to feeling fear. In the midst of COVID-19, almost all of us are facing emotions like fear, grief, and anxiety surrounding the uncertainty following this pandemic. We are truly hoping that what he has to say about fear and uncertainty will help you during these times of unrest surrounding the coronavirus epidemic.

Happy grandparents with grandkids with title Finding God's Purpose During Retirement from Christian Financial Podcast

73 – Finding God’s Purpose During Retirement

Tune in with Bob as he discusses retirement and finding God’s purpose during this transitional time. What is God’s desire for your life during retirement and are you open to being called to a higher mission? Joining Bob is John Haanen, the founder and CEO of the “Denver Institute for Faith & Work”, an educational nonprofit that teaches and convenes leaders on theology, work, calling, and culture.

Ink pen next to title Top 10 Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid from Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

72 – Top 10 Estate Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Bob and special guest Shawn McCammon discuss the top 10 mistakes surrounding Inheritance and Estate Planning. Shawn is an estate planning attorney and CFP® who works with individuals and families to find effective solutions to meet their goals in the areas of estate planning, trust administration, business planning, and asset protection.

Bride and groom next to title For Richer or Poorer from Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

71 – For Richer Or Poorer

Marriage is a game changer. You are becoming a team, a unit. It starts out full of promise for a hopeful future, but sometimes life gets in the way of happily ever after, and we soon run up against conflict. Since money is THE most common cause of friction in most marriages, Bob and Mary Jo have made an episode focusing specifically on finances in marriage.

Glasses on a laptop computer above title Mid Career Risk from Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

70 – Mid Career Risk

What happens when you are looking at a possible job loss as you are nearing retirement? That’s the question we tackle on this episode about mid career risk and its impact on retirement planning. It may be happening to you, or someone you know, at this very moment. It’s yet another example of how we have to hope for the best and plan for the worst.

eye chart and clear water with title Finding Financial Clarity from Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

69 – Finding Financial Clarity

Are you striving to have a solid financial future? It starts with clarity of your financial life. Clarity allows us to see the truth in past matters in order to make the best decisions for the future. It’s no different for finances. They decided in this episode to break down the word C-L-A-R-I-T-Y into financial counterparts according to each letter.

Ron Blue with title Ron Blue Interview from Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

68 – Ron Blue Interview

Bob and Mary Jo interview very special guest Ron Blue. Ron is the president and founder of Kingdom Advisors, as well as the founder of The Ron Blue Institute. Listen in as we dive into what motivated Ron to get into the Biblical financial planning movement, the amazing Christian leaders he met along the way, and his plans for Kingdom Advisors as this incredible organization continues to grow.

money on table with title 20 Money Principles For 2020 Part 2 from Christian Financial Perspectives Podcast

67 – 20 Money Principles for 2020 Part 2

This episode ends part 2 of our 2 part series on “20 Money Principles for 2020” to help you become more financially successful, with an emphasis on what the Bible says about financial issues. Biblical guidelines not only help us to live a successful life, but they also illustrate many of the financial principles that are mentioned.