188 – The Ultimate 2023 Financial Recap

What financial topics first come to mind when recalling 2023? Is it the emotional rollercoaster of 2023’s stock market or the endless printing of money? Bob and Shawn want to provide perspective on key events that impacted many financial portfolios. Before looking ahead, they are recapping the past year’s twists and turns.

This includes the markets’ obsession with interest rates, as well as the volatility caused by concerns about the Federal Reserve’s actions. Looking ahead to 2024, it is important to remember the ups and downs of 2023 in order to make more informed financial decisions for the future.

187 – The True Joy Of Christmas

This inspiring Christmas episode is all about reminding listeners of the joy of the season! Bob and Shawn share the original Christmas story of the birth of Jesus as told by Luke, as well as telling an inspiring story about a family who anonymously blessed another family in need.

This Christmas season, we encourage listeners to find ways to help those in need during the Christmas season, whether through financial donations or volunteering time. Use your time and resources to help bless others and in return, you’ll receive immeasurable joy!

186 – Do These 7 Things Before Buying Your Next Vehicle

Are you thinking about buying a car? Bob and Shawn discuss 7 smart steps to take before you make your decision. This episode is here to help you learn how to make the right vehicle choice with confidence.

It’s crucial to approach the car purchase with the right mindset, not emotions. A vehicle’s price is more than the minimum monthly payment, and it is important to be cautious of all of the add ons and price points that many salespeople will use to manipulate you into a premature purchase. These tips, along with several others, may just help you save thousands on your next car purchase!

185 – The High Cost of Cash Value Life Insurance

Are sky high fees making cash value life insurance a poor investment for you? Should you just buy term life insurance and invest the difference yourself? Bob and Shawn discuss the true cost of cash value life insurance, such as whole life and universal life. Life insurance is almost always a must to protect your family and immediate loved ones in the case of your death, especially from your 20’s to 60’s.

This episode highlights the various fees and charges associated with these policies, including upfront premium loads and surrender charges. No matter what you decide after listening to this episode, it is highly recommended to seek advice from a fee-based advisor or CPA.