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Make This Year’s Goals Stick
Are you among the 92% who don’t achieve New Year’s resolutions? Make 2024 different! Bob and Shawn will show you how to use the SMAC Method – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and Compatible – to make meaningful and achievable goals.
As Christians, we believe goals should align with God’s plan and also be compatible with one’s values and beliefs. Only a small percentage of people actually achieve their New Year’s resolutions, but that number rises with written goals that are visually placed around the house, car, and even work. This year, it’s time to be intentional and proactive in setting and pursuing goals!
HOSTED BY: Bob Barber, CWS®, CKA®
CO-HOST: Shawn Peters
Mentioned In This Episode
Printable Goals Sheet
Bible Verses In This Episode
Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
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Are you among the 92% who don’t achieve New Year’s resolutions? Make 2024 different. We will show you how to use the SMAC method to make meaningful and achievable goals. Let’s get some perspective. Welcome to another episode of Christian Financial Perspectives. My name’s Shawn Peters. I’m joined as always by my co-host and Father-in-Law, Bob Barber. And today we’re going to be covering our goal setting outline for 2024. Now, why should you have goals? Well, because God called us to make a difference in our lives and in others’ lives. And if you aim for nothing, you’ll probably hit it.
That’s right, Shawn. I don’t think God called us to live a life of mediocrity, but he called us to live a life of significance and put us here on this earth to make a difference.
That’s right.
I believe that every year when it comes down to this point, and we talk about this, this is pretty much our first program of every year. You can rely that in January we’re going to be talking about goal setting because I’ve been doing it for so long. I’m a major goal setter. I’ve got this little, we’re going to show y’all this earlier. I don’t know if you can see this.
We’ll have Jenna put it on the screen.
We will talk about it and have Jenna put it on the screen. But basically I have a copy of my goals. They’re not written in here.
Not yet.
Not yet. But they’re going to be. And I laminate this little copy and I put one of them in my car, I put one of them on my desk, one in my shower. And I’ve just been amazed over the years how many of the goals that I have hit because I have a target. Like we said, there’s one way to not hit a target that’s not have a target. If you don’t have a target, you’re not going to hit it. And I believe it’s so important that as Christians, that our goals align with God’s plan for our lives. Okay. Scripture reader, always get on you for this. Okay. Because you’re my good scripture reader, Shawn.
I just have such a great radio voice.
You do radio, huh?
Well, video too.
I have been told I have a face for radio.
Oh, okay. Alright. You know what? Me too. I guess that’s why I did it for eight years. Some of y’all might not have known that I had a program that was on San Antonio, Houston, Austin, and Corpus Christi for eight years. That was a long time ago. I didn’t have any gray hair. I looked a lot different.
Yeah, but nobody could tell.
That’s true. That’s true. So we got two really good scriptures I want you to read and I want to read this last scripture.
Okay. Alright. So the first one is Proverbs 16:3, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” And Proverbs 16:9, “In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Amen. And I don’t remember which versions, but there’s another one that says, A man determines his path in his heart, and the Lord directs his steps. I kind like that version, too.
In Proverbs 2 somewhere?
No, it’s the same one. Proverbs 16:9. I just can’t remember which version.
Oh, which version. Okay, I got you. I got you, and I liked the one from Philippians 3:14. It’s one of my favorites, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me Heavenward in Christ Jesus.” The important thing is that goals need to align with Christian principles if you’re a believer. And if you’re not a believer, it’s still a wise thing because all good principles are Christian principles. So today what we’re going to do is we’re going to talk about my goals that I’ve set for years. It’s kind of a path I’ve followed and it just never gets old talking about it. Before we do that, we’re going to go over the top 10 goals that people set for New Year’s resolutions over and over. And these are going to sound very familiar and these are in the order of which they set them. Alright, so go ahead Shawn.
So number one, 37% of people set a goal of eating healthier.
Especially after all the Christmas cookies
And Thanksgiving and then Christmas and then New Year’s party.
It’s usually that diet time around January.
And then the second one, also at 37%, getting more exercise.
And that’s all your gyms are going to be really busy right now, just wait until about April or May and it’ll kind of taper off back down to the normal people. But I hope that you’re one that continues to stay up with it if that’s one, you’re starting this year.
Number three again at 37%. These first three were tied, but 37% start saving money or saving more. It’s also a really popular one.
Well, this fourth one, it was one of them. It says focus on self-care.
It’s a little more generic, but for…
The first two are kind of like that.
But self-care could also be, Hey, I’m going to take time more often for myself to just get away from everything and everybody, maybe read, maybe…
You just mentioned one.
Oh, that’s true.
That’s the next one.
Whatever people say for self-care, there’s a lot of different subcategories to that I guess. So number five is reading more at 18%. Number six, we have learning a new skill, 15%. Number seven, making new friends at 15%. Number eight, getting a job or getting a new one, 14%. Number nine, taking up a new hobby, 13%. And finally number 10, focusing more on relationships at 12%.
Kind of goes with number seven, making new friends. But it is, but those relationships could also be with your mom or your dad or
Your spouse.
Your spouse or your grandchildren. Old friends, old high school friends, maybe. I still keep up. It’s funny, in my high school, I mean there was about 300 in my graduating class, but I only really keep up with one. But we keep up with each other all the time. We text each other.
Well, it’s about quality over quantity.
We’re kind of two old fellas.
Well, the interesting thing is, so researchers say about 60% of people make New Year’s resolutions, but only about 8% successfully achieve them. Why?
Yeah, you realize Shawn, that’s like 92%. I mean they make them, but only 8% of that. So basically you’re throwing out 92%, aren’t you?
Yeah. And that’s of the 60% of people that even make them in the first place. According to a famous Harvard Business School study,
83 out of 100 people do not have any clearly defined goals.
And of the 17 people who did have goals, only 3 of them actually wrote them down.
So is this saying only 3 out of 100 write their goals down?
Write them down. Yep. So out of 100 people. Now, they’re saying…
So I’m one of those 3, I guess.
Yeah. You are. The 60% of people that make resolutions. That was from one research study. But the Harvard Business School was talking about of all people, how many have clearly defined goals or they might have like, oh, I have resolution of I’m going to try to get healthier. Okay, what does that mean? So they’re saying that 83 out of 100 people don’t have any clearly defined goals. Only 17 do. But of the 17 who have clearly identified goals, 3 out of 100 wrote them down.
Okay. What about this? This is interesting from this same study that Harvard did, and this is an old study done many years ago that 3 out of the 100 people that had written their goals down were earning 10 times the income of the 83 people that didn’t have any written goals at all. Now we talk about we’re a financial show. Right? Wow. So 10 times.
That’s a lot more, isn’t it? And they also tended to be in better health and had happier marriages. I think writing them down is extremely important. Now I just got to say this, the number one reason for financial failure is procrastination. But goals, like I mentioned in the beginning, they’re like a target. If you don’t even have the target, how do you expect to hit anything?
How do you know when you even hit anything?
So this is an old Methodist from the old school. It’s been around a long time and they call this the SMAC method. SMAC.
You can SMAC your goals, but you can’t SMAC your friends. Just remember that. Kind of like you can pick your nose and you can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose. Kind of the same thing. So SMAC.
Man, you making me turn all red at that. That’s a really good one, Shawn.
Well I’ll jump in on the first one then. So SMAC goal setting the S in SMAC means specific.
I’m glad you said that one because I never can say that word right.
Well there’s a lot of consonants in there. So specific – setting your goals and a target specifically for you, not the goals someone else has or wants. Remember specific, not Pacific, like the ocean.
Yeah, that’s where I get mixed up. Yeah, my wife says you can’t say that word, can you? I’ll say specific.
That’s fine. That’s all right. I’ll let you do the other one.
Okay. Yeah, I can say this one. The M in SMAC is measurable. So set the goals that you can measure, actually measure along the way. That’s where losing weight, you can get on the scales every two or three days. I wouldn’t suggest every day because it’s going to fluctuate too much, but every three or four days and you can measure that.
And then A in SMAC stands for achievable. So set goals that are achievable. And the final one, Bob, you want to do the final one?
The C, compatible with your values and beliefs.
So I think a simple example for people, if you say your goal is to get in better shape, well round is a shape. So what exactly do you mean by getting in better shape or getting in shape? So a SMAC goal might be, okay, I want something specific such as I want to lose 5% body fat. Whatever you’re at. Maybe you’re at 20%, you want to go down to 15%. Okay, so that’s specific. I almost said it wrong, but then the measurable part. Okay, well measurable. Well, there’s a lot of scales. There’s a lot of things you can do to pretty easily measure that on a regular basis. So the achievable part, okay, losing 5% body fat, I mean that’s fairly achievable as long as you don’t say in the next month. Well, no, that’s not achievable. And then the final one, compatible. Okay, well do you have any issues with that? I mean, I don’t really see any issues with that being incompatible with your values and beliefs, but you want to make sure it is compatible with that.
Another example, and I remember I’ve used this one in the past is if I said I want to get in better shape, but I want to run a marathon with my torn meniscus on each knee, that’s not going to happen, Shawn. So for me to say I want to run a marathon is not compatible, but for me to say I can walk three to five miles a day, that’s compatible. I can do that with the right kind of tennis shoes. Okay.
Alright. Let’s get into specific. By being very specific with goals over the years and putting them in writing, Bob has reached nearly 100% of them over time.
I have. It is amazing to go back, I’ve been doing this system now for a good at least 15, 17 years. I just found when I was going through on our word processor, 2008 goals that I’d written down. So I know I can go back right there. What is that, 16 years?
I forgot to bring mine. But when we did our program last time for 2023 of the six categories, I believe I hit it was four of the six. Yeah. I mean I made progress with the other two, but it is nice to be able to look back and see, okay, yeah, I actually made progress on these.
This little goal chart that I have, and you can just do this on any word program, Google docs, whatever I write down for the SMAC method behind each one of these. Spiritually, physically, financially, mentally, relational, professional, and charitable. And so these are the seven that I’ve come up with over time. I remember it used to just be like four, but now it’s seven. All that, you can have different goals of the spiritual part. It could be you want to read the Bible this year or you want to get involved in a Bible study or teach a Bible study. Physically, we’ve talked about that. Financially, we’ve talked a lot about that. Professionally, like CFP I know you’re trying to become. Okay, alright. So there’s just so many areas. I know we’ve gone over a lot today and we’re getting near the end of our time for the day. But those financial goals could be paying off debt. The key is make it…
Make it SMAC and make it…
The key is make it SMAC to you. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and Compatible.
Exactly. With this today, I hope this has been very informative to you. I will take this and I’ll laminate it and put it one in my shower, one in my car, one at my desk. I have several desks, by the way. I’ve got one up here at the office. I’ve got my office at home. I’ve got one in Rockport, Texas. So I just put these things all over the place where it reminds me on a daily basis. And you’ll notice when it’s reminding you to remember writing them down, that’s the important thing. You can’t just say it, you got to write it down and you got to see it with your eyes every day.
And I think the other thing that it forces you to do is when you have a smaller paper like this, with each of those six to seven categories, it forces you to be more intentional, which does also cover the specific part of it as opposed to, I have this huge list of goals I’m trying to accomplish. Like, well, you know what? Pick for the year. Pick one thing for spiritual, pick one thing for physical, pick one thing for financial, and just kind of go through that. And then it’s, okay, here’s the one thing in each of those categories that I’m trying to better myself and meet those goals for this year.
Hope that helps you. Don’t delay, don’t procrastinate on this. Do it tonight, tomorrow, in the next day or two. Or this weekend that’s coming up.
Alright, that’s all for now.
Thank you. And as always, God bless.
That’s all for now.
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* Investment advisory services offered through Christian Investment Advisors Inc dba Christian Financial Advisors, a registered investment advisor registered with the SEC. Registration as an investment advisor does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Comments from today’s show are for informational purposes only and not to be considered investment advice or recommendations to buy or sell any company that may have been mentioned or discussed. The opinions expressed are solely those of the hosts, Bob Barber and Shawn Peters, and their guests. Bob and Shawn do not provide tax advice and encourage you to seek guidance from a tax professional. While Christian Financial Advisors believes the information to be accurate and reliable, we do not claim or have responsibility for its completeness, accuracy, or reliability.